
This process assumes you have already created an Amazon Marketplace Webservices (MWS) account.

Setup API Access

  • Go to (or .ca/.de/.jp/.fr/

  • Click on the Sign up for MWS button and follow the instructions.

  • At the end you must have a screen (print it and save it !)
    This screen will contain the following credentials:
    • Merchant Id (or Seller Id) - This is your unique merchant/seller ID

    • Marketplace Id - This is the id for the marketplace you are selling on.

      It allows you to target specific markerplaces (US, Japan, Europe, etc..) in which you are authorized to sell.

    • Access key - Used to identify the user of this API.

    • Secret key - This is used to authenticate every request sent to Amazon

    Make sure to keep this confidential as these credentials can potentially compromise your account.

Test API Access

  • Go to (you can change the domain .com like before)

  • In API selection, choose Products and ListMatchingProducts

  • In Authentication put your credentials.

  • Input the desired MarketplaceId and put “python” in Query

  • Click on the submit button

If everything is good, you can see a response 200 and a list of item matching python

Install MWS Python API :)

From PyPi

$ pip install mws